
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Any thoughts?

First of all, I want to apologize for my absence for a couple of weeks, I was busy with summative assessments, researches, and projects. Luckily, I have one week left, and I'll have time to spend here!! Yay!

Okay anyways, the weather is getting colder everyday in the UAE especially at night, and I want to buy me a new coat, or maybe a cape. It is not so cold, it is just windy, and it rains. So I want something light, because I may got to colder places in the UAE. I was browsing online (as usual) and I stumbled upon this Knitted Poncho from ZARA.


You know "Knit" is a big thing for this winter, and I want to sport out this trend since the weather is finally colder!! But, I feel I could find something better. What are your thought? Should I get it?
It is for 495 DHS.

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